Boys - Girls
Individual Rankings
1994 - 1995 - 1996

Ratings are calculated based on how fast each runner has run relative to the competition and represents time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameGradeSchool 1992199319941995 All-Time Season RankState Finals Rating
Courtney Adams 12 Brebeuf Jesuit 18:34 18:16 18:39 17:45 #15   17:37
Amy Yoder 12 East Noble 19:29 18:30 17:52 17:47 #17   17:43
Melissa Griffey 12 Elkhart Memorial 18:54 19:15 18:35 #224   18:48
Angie Draper Terre Haute North 18:44 #338  
Erin Womble 10 Chesterton 18:48 #413   18:55
Jolene Williams 12 Northridge 19:38 19:22 19:08 18:50 #452   18:44
Brianna Johnson 10 Carmel 20:19 18:53 #501   19:13
Amy Haase 12 Carmel 17:56 18:53 #506   19:34
Brandi Silvonek 9 Chesterton 19:01 #701   19:01
10  Kimberly Snyder 11 Plymouth 19:41 19:50 19:04 #767   19:02
11  Courtney Bell 11 Oldenburg Academy 19:09 18:59 19:07 #835   18:54
12  Maria Harriman 10 West Noble 19:20 19:08 #880   19:16
13  Olivia Bustion 9 Park Tudor 19:15 #1,105   19:19
14  Amber Macy 11 Columbus East 19:34 19:19 #1,224   19:19
15  Julie Ham 9 Carmel 19:19 #1,248   19:20
16  Becky Shepler 11 Hamilton Southeastern 19:06 19:21 #1,307   19:59
17  Stephanie Magley 10 Carroll (FW) 19:21 #1,315   19:45
18  Tessie Frechette Portage 19:22 #1,385  
19  Talia Barwick 10 Northrop 19:35 19:23 #1,425   19:34
20  Cody Sohn 10 Carmel 19:27 #1,585   19:29
21  Lauren Wade 11 Oldenburg Academy 19:28 #1,634   19:20
22  Nicole Williams 9 Westview 19:28 #1,666   19:24
23  Whitney Bevins 9 Westfield 19:28 #1,670   19:31
24  Nicole Warwick 9 Portage 19:29 #1,729  
25  Holly Stefaniak 12 Penn 20:53 20:01 19:48 19:29 #1,733   19:22
26  Val Taft 10 Northridge 19:55 19:29 #1,735   19:30
27  Lauren Price 10 Pike 19:30 #1,771   19:57
28  Melissa Piunti 12 River Forest 19:26 19:17 19:43 19:30 #1,776   19:18
29  Michelle McIntosh Benton Central 19:34 #1,955  
30  Donna Harless 11 Highland (Anderson) 19:34 #1,991   19:28
RankNameGradeSchool 1992199319941995 All-Time Season RankState Finals Rating
31  Adrienne Gough 11 Elwood 19:35 #1,999   19:23
32  Erin Gilles 11 Jefferson 19:35 #2,005   19:27
33  Marybeth Key 10 Valparaiso 20:04 19:37 #2,136   19:25
34  Krystal Kearby 12 Northeast Dubois 21:26 19:38 #2,200   19:26
35  Andrea Byrnes 12 Chesterton 20:12 19:58 19:59 19:39 #2,248   19:26
36  Evelyn Corona 12 Fort Wayne South Side 19:40 #2,337   19:39
37  Bethany Chandler 10 Crown Point 19:42 #2,416   19:48
38  Kelly O'Brien 10 Crown Point 19:42 #2,429   19:45
39  Erin Leahy 12 Michigan City 19:44 #2,602   19:32
40  Amanda Bell 9 Clarksville 19:46 #2,712   19:33
41  Stacy Clapp 10 Churubusco 19:11 19:47 #2,800   19:40
42  Brooke Bryenton 11 Carmel 19:48 #2,824   19:35
43  Tina Raber 11 Norwell 19:46 19:49 #2,896   19:42
44  Leslie Kinnaman 12 Noblesville 19:43 20:15 19:49 #2,913   19:44
45  Stacy Katron 9 Columbus East 19:50 #2,997   19:52
46  Susan Thomas 12 Penn 20:12 19:51 #3,053   19:44
47  Sarah McGovern 12 Columbus North 21:15 19:58 19:57 19:53 #3,273   20:04
48  Jessica Meece 11 Griffith 19:39 19:54 #3,303   20:20
49  Audra Gall Plymouth 19:54 #3,304  
50  Alyssa Pittman 10 Bloomington North 19:47 19:54 #3,329   19:41