Boys - Girls
2018 Final Preseason Rankings

Preseason ratings are derived from each runner's previous year rating, taking into account how much runners entering the same grade have improved historically. Rankings may also be improved by 1600 or 3200 meter times in the previous track season.
Tournament percentages are based on the results of 25,000 simulations of the IHSAA Tournament.

Skip to: Individual Rankings
Team Rankings

RankSchool Size Semi-State Team Rating State
(Top 5)
Top 10Advance to State FinalsAdvance to Semi-StateAdvance to Regional
1 Carroll (FW) L New Haven #1   89 68.7% 98.4% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
2 Hamilton Southeastern L Shelbyville #1   133 11.2% 76.8% 93.8% 95.1% 98.8% 99.9%
3 Carmel L Shelbyville #2   153 8.2% 66.1% 89.1% 91.1% 97.6% 99.8%
4 Fishers L Shelbyville #3   175 3.2% 47.4% 75.4% 78.4% 91.9% 99.3%
5 Brownsburg L Shelbyville #4   181 2.1% 39.7% 75.8% 81.1% 100.0% 100.0%
6 Valparaiso L New Prairie #1   183 1.9% 31.0% 74.0% 99.9% 100.0% 100.0%
7 Zionsville L Shelbyville #5   198 0.9% 23.1% 55.8% 62.2% 100.0% 100.0%
8 Franklin Central L Shelbyville #6   198 0.6% 19.0% 50.3% 56.6% 100.0% 100.0%
9 West Lafayette M New Prairie #2   199 1.3% 28.6% 72.4% 99.9% 100.0% 100.0%
10 Brebeuf Jesuit M Shelbyville #7   201 0.8% 20.1% 57.2% 64.3% 90.6% 100.0%
11 Lowell L New Prairie #3   221 0.2% 9.1% 43.2% 99.1% 100.0% 100.0%
12 Noblesville L Shelbyville #8   233 0.3% 12.8% 31.5% 34.7% 60.2% 92.3%
13 Bloomington North L Brown County #1   245 0.1% 6.6% 33.9% 99.5% 100.0% 100.0%
14 Chesterton L New Prairie #4   267 0.1% 3.4% 19.9% 94.8% 100.0% 100.0%
15 Bishop Dwenger M New Haven #2   268 0.1% 2.4% 17.7% 97.4% 100.0% 100.0%
16 Floyd Central L Brown County #2   276 0.0% 2.0% 13.9% 96.9% 100.0% 100.0%
17 Bloomington South L Brown County #3   286 0.0% 2.2% 16.1% 98.2% 100.0% 100.0%
18 Guerin Catholic M Shelbyville #9   286 0.0% 1.6% 7.3% 9.1% 24.0% 76.4%
19 Pike L Shelbyville #10   286 0.0% 2.6% 11.0% 14.3% 100.0% 100.0%
20 Columbus North L Brown County #4   290 0.0% 1.2% 11.0% 96.9% 100.0% 100.0%
21 Crown Point L New Prairie #5   290 0.0% 1.1% 11.0% 89.9% 100.0% 100.0%
22 Cathedral L Shelbyville #11   295 0.0% 1.5% 7.3% 9.2% 25.9% 100.0%
23 Homestead L New Haven #3   302 0.0% 1.0% 9.2% 92.6% 99.8% 100.0%
24 Penn L New Haven #4   316 0.0% 0.7% 6.6% 89.9% 100.0% 100.0%
25 Edgewood M Brown County #5   326 0.0% 0.6% 6.4% 92.4% 100.0% 100.0%
26 Westfield L Shelbyville #12   332 0.4% 2.1% 2.7% 7.7% 31.9%
27 Concordia Lutheran M New Haven #5   358 0.2% 2.5% 77.1% 99.0% 100.0%
28 Reitz Memorial M Brown County #6   369 0.0% 0.0% 1.1% 79.3% 100.0% 100.0%
29 Twin Lakes M New Prairie #6   399 0.0% 0.7% 30.4% 100.0% 100.0%
30 Lake Central L New Prairie #7   405 0.0% 0.3% 36.9% 99.7% 100.0%
31 Avon L Shelbyville #13   405 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 99.9% 100.0%
32 Oak Hill S New Haven #6   409 0.0% 0.2% 30.2% 99.9% 100.0%
33 LaPorte L New Prairie #8   420 0.0% 0.4% 24.2% 99.4% 100.0%
34 Norwell M New Haven #7   420 0.1% 1.2% 38.7% 99.9% 100.0%
35 North Central (Indpls) L Shelbyville #14   423 0.1% 0.1% 0.5% 99.6%
36 Lawrence North L Shelbyville #15   434 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.9% 99.7%
37 Northridge L New Haven #8   437 0.0% 0.2% 26.0% 99.0% 100.0%
38 Mishawaka L New Haven #9   459 0.0% 0.2% 23.6% 98.2% 100.0%
39 Cardinal Ritter M Shelbyville #16   463 0.0% 0.3% 0.4% 1.9% 99.1%
40 Greensburg M Shelbyville #17   472 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 94.9% 100.0%
41 Southport L Shelbyville #18   480 0.0% 0.1% 97.5% 100.0%
42 Munster L New Prairie #9   504 0.0% 0.1% 8.6% 98.4% 100.0%
43 Portage L New Prairie #10   510 0.0% 6.1% 95.2% 99.7%
44 East Noble L New Haven #10   516 0.0% 0.1% 10.4% 84.6% 100.0%
45 Terre Haute North L Brown County #7   519 0.0% 9.8% 98.1% 100.0%
46 New Palestine L Shelbyville #19   528 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0%
47 Huntington North L New Haven #11   530 0.0% 0.0% 7.4% 99.1% 100.0%
48 Center Grove L Shelbyville #20   532 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 89.9% 99.9%
49 Warsaw L New Prairie #11   542 0.0% 3.1% 99.9% 100.0%
50 Forest Park S Brown County #8   566 0.0% 8.1% 100.0% 100.0%
51 Rochester S New Prairie #12   586 0.0% 2.1% 99.2% 100.0%
52 Seymour L Brown County #9   593 0.0% 0.2% 11.1% 99.9% 100.0%
53 Morgan Twp S New Prairie #13   609 0.0% 1.4% 81.2% 100.0%
54 Bishop Luers M New Haven #12   618 1.1% 96.2% 100.0%
55 Whiteland L Shelbyville #21   635 71.8% 99.2%
56 Barr-Reeve S Brown County #10   636 2.1% 99.9% 100.0%
57 Crawfordsville M New Prairie #14   645 1.1% 91.8% 100.0%
58 South Adams S New Haven #13   646 0.0% 1.4% 92.3% 100.0%
59 Adams L New Haven #14   650 0.7% 59.8% 99.2%
60 McCutcheon L New Prairie #15   654 1.1% 93.2% 100.0%
61 Franklin Community L Shelbyville #22   654 0.0% 0.0% 50.3% 97.5%
62 Rushville M Shelbyville #23   662 100.0% 100.0%
63 East Central L Shelbyville #24   663 56.1% 100.0%
64 Hamilton Heights M Shelbyville #25   663 0.0% 0.4%
65 Columbia City M New Haven #15   665 0.6% 6.8% 67.0%
66 Harrison (WL) L New Prairie #16   671 0.3% 84.9% 100.0%
67 Elkhart Memorial L New Haven #16   682 0.0% 0.8% 39.8% 86.0%
68 Terre Haute South L Brown County #11   687 0.9% 84.9% 99.9%
69 Angola M New Haven #17   694 0.3% 4.0% 99.6%
70 Concord L New Haven #18   713 0.8% 37.1% 82.3%
71 Hobart L New Prairie #17   714 0.0% 0.5% 60.2% 99.8%
72 Western M New Prairie #18   725 0.1% 88.9% 100.0%
73 Jasper M Brown County #12   725 0.8% 95.7% 100.0%
74 Brown County M Brown County #13   727 0.0% 0.8% 91.9% 98.7%
75 Perry Meridian L Shelbyville #26   744 27.2% 93.0%
76 West Noble M New Haven #19   750 0.0% 0.2% 2.8% 98.5%
77 Culver Academies M New Prairie #19   769 0.0% 68.2% 99.3%
78 Wawasee M New Haven #20   778 0.1% 22.4% 79.6%
79 Wheeler M New Prairie #20   781 0.1% 14.0% 67.4%
80 Pendleton Heights L New Haven #21   784 0.1% 98.9% 100.0%
81 Bremen S New Haven #22   788 0.0% 12.1% 84.9%
82 Manchester S New Prairie #21   793 0.1% 74.5% 99.4%
83 DeKalb L New Haven #23   800 0.0% 0.9% 97.3%
84 Snider L New Haven #24   808 0.1% 1.2% 19.2%
85 South Knox S Brown County #14   811 0.0% 1.2% 98.6% 100.0%
86 New Prairie M New Prairie #22   814 0.0% 5.3% 31.7%
87 Corydon Central M Brown County #15   827 0.0% 1.6% 92.1% 100.0%
88 Bishop Chatard M Shelbyville #27   828 0.8%
89 Northrop L New Haven #25   832 0.0% 0.2% 8.6%
90 Elkhart Central L New Haven #26   832 0.0% 0.1% 12.5% 62.0%
91 Highland L New Prairie #23   847 0.2% 36.5% 100.0%
92 Plainfield L Shelbyville #28   865 36.3% 95.5%
93 Jennings County L Brown County #16   869 0.0% 78.1% 100.0%
94 NorthWood M New Haven #27   870 0.0% 6.3% 53.3%
95 Benton Central M New Prairie #24   870 0.1% 21.6% 99.6%
96 Northwestern M New Prairie #25   874 0.0% 46.8% 99.8%
97 Batesville M Shelbyville #29   889 0.0% 0.0% 8.5% 99.0%
98 Riley L New Haven #28   895 5.0% 70.3%
99 Westview S New Haven #29   905 0.0% 0.3% 85.8%
100 Greencastle M Shelbyville #30   917 44.6% 89.2%
101 Fairfield M New Haven #30   932 0.0% 4.4% 25.9%
102 Christian Academy of IN S Brown County #17   950 0.1% 48.3% 99.0%
103 Owen Valley M Brown County #18   970 0.0% 4.5% 82.5%
104 Warren Central L Shelbyville #31   980 63.9% 99.3%
105 Columbus East L Brown County #19   1,003 0.0% 41.4% 82.7%
106 Hebron S New Prairie #26   1,004 2.0% 86.0%
107 Garrett M New Haven #31   1,007 0.0% 0.1% 3.0%
108 Rensselaer Central S New Prairie #27   1,008 0.0% 0.0% 3.3% 99.8%
109 Shakamak S Brown County #20   1,030 0.0% 4.6% 72.5%
110 Gibson Southern M Brown County #21   1,031 68.4% 99.3%
111 Yorktown M New Haven #32   1,031 0.0% 69.7% 91.8%
112 Greenwood L Shelbyville #32   1,032 1.7% 9.6%
113 Heritage Christian S Shelbyville #33   1,047 0.0% 0.0% 0.7%
114 Goshen L New Haven #33   1,048 0.7% 10.0%
115 St. Joseph's M New Haven #34   1,048 0.0% 0.6% 15.8%
116 Mississinewa M New Haven #35   1,048 0.0% 6.2% 94.5%
117 Charlestown M Brown County #22   1,052 0.0% 28.1% 99.9%
118 Northview M Brown County #23   1,054 0.0% 3.5% 73.0%
119 Delta M New Haven #36   1,060 58.8% 96.7%
120 Roncalli L Shelbyville #34   1,062 37.7% 97.4%
121 Kankakee Valley M New Prairie #28   1,083 0.0% 0.7% 99.4%
122 Brownstown Central M Brown County #24   1,086 15.7% 55.8%
123 Ben Davis L Shelbyville #35   1,087 4.3% 98.2%
124 Hanover Central M New Prairie #29   1,087 2.4% 63.2%
125 Heritage Hills M Brown County #25   1,091 0.0% 24.9% 91.4%
126 Franklin County M Shelbyville #36   1,092 39.5% 99.0%
127 Clinton Prairie S New Prairie #30   1,092 0.0% 5.0% 80.8%
128 Madison M Brown County #26   1,095 0.0% 19.4% 99.7%
129 Clay L New Haven #37   1,098 0.0% 1.0% 20.0%
130 Oldenburg Academy S Shelbyville #37   1,111 1.4% 82.1%
131 Loogootee S Brown County #27   1,114 0.0% 17.8% 89.2%
132 Evansville North L Brown County #28   1,115 0.0% 26.8% 89.8%
133 South Putnam S Shelbyville #38   1,118 6.3% 56.6%
134 Lewis Cass S New Prairie #31   1,124 0.0% 5.1% 85.2%
135 Lincoln (Vincennes) M Brown County #29   1,125 0.0% 27.8% 92.7%
136 Lawrence Central L Shelbyville #39   1,143 0.0%
137 Leo M New Haven #38   1,145 0.0% 0.0% 0.7%
138 Southern Wells S New Haven #39   1,147 3.5% 83.2%
139 Lapel S New Haven #40   1,148 0.0% 51.9% 84.1%
140 Fort Wayne North Side L New Haven #41   1,154 0.0% 0.1% 1.3%
141 Plymouth L New Prairie #32   1,168 3.1% 43.7%
142 Merrillville L New Prairie #33   1,172 0.5% 47.3%
143 West Vigo M Brown County #30   1,172 0.9% 36.7%
144 Western Boone S New Prairie #34   1,173 1.2% 70.2%
145 Martinsville L Brown County #31   1,174 8.0% 28.7%
146 Salem M Brown County #32   1,177 0.8% 74.4%
147 Eastern (Greentown) S New Prairie #35   1,177 3.9% 75.5%
148 Centerville S Shelbyville #40   1,182 20.5% 94.4%
149 Clay City S Brown County #33   1,183 0.0% 1.9% 33.9%
150 Northfield S New Haven #42   1,191 0.0% 1.0% 72.7%
151 North Daviess S Brown County #34   1,203 0.0% 24.3% 91.2%
152 Danville M Shelbyville #41   1,205 1.6% 21.9%
153 Mt. Vernon (Fortville) L New Haven #43   1,205 21.6% 56.8%
154 Elwood S New Haven #44   1,207 32.7% 69.6%
155 Greenfield-Central L Shelbyville #42   1,208 17.8% 81.6%
156 North Miami S New Prairie #36   1,213 3.9% 34.1%
157 Fremont S New Haven #45   1,215 0.1% 11.2%
158 Indian Creek M Brown County #35   1,220 5.0% 20.5%
159 Lighthouse Christian (Bloomi S 1,230
160 Union City S New Haven #46   1,233 33.1% 77.6%
161 Jay County M New Haven #47   1,244 25.3% 61.5%
162 Bellmont M New Haven #48   1,247 0.0% 0.4% 41.0%
163 F.J. Reitz L Brown County #36   1,249 0.0% 12.2% 73.2%
164 Silver Creek M Brown County #37   1,250 5.5% 92.0%
165 Frontier S New Prairie #37   1,258 0.3% 76.0%
166 Bluffton S New Haven #49   1,259 0.3% 52.3%
167 Union County S Shelbyville #43   1,263 8.6% 83.5%
168 Frankton S New Haven #50   1,271 19.6% 54.2%
169 Park Tudor S Shelbyville #44   1,272 0.0%
170 Mitchell S Brown County #38   1,277 0.4% 56.6%
171 Randolph Southern S New Haven #51   1,279 0.0% 16.2% 57.5%
172 Monroe Central S New Haven #52   1,283 20.1% 69.6%
173 South Dearborn M Shelbyville #45   1,287 0.1% 50.3%
174 North Harrison M Brown County #39   1,287 0.0% 3.8% 65.3%
175 Wapahani S New Haven #53   1,288 22.5% 69.3%
176 Kouts S New Prairie #38   1,294 0.0% 0.5% 93.2%
177 Adams Central S New Haven #54   1,296 0.0% 0.4% 33.9%
178 Mount Vernon M Brown County #40   1,298 12.7% 61.7%
179 Heritage M New Haven #55   1,301 0.2% 45.4%
180 New Albany L Brown County #41   1,301 5.9% 52.7%
181 South Ripley S Shelbyville #46   1,304 0.3% 32.2%
182 Glenn M New Haven #56   1,309 0.0% 0.9% 9.5%
183 Carroll (Flora) S New Prairie #39   1,313 0.9% 44.5%
184 Southridge S Brown County #42   1,316 2.2% 44.8%
185 Cascade S Shelbyville #47   1,316 0.8% 14.3%
186 Tippecanoe Valley M New Prairie #40   1,322 0.7% 13.8%
187 Mater Dei S Brown County #43   1,323 9.3% 68.0%
188 Lebanon M Shelbyville #48   1,325
189 Maconaquah M New Prairie #41   1,325 3.3% 38.6%
190 Tell City S Brown County #44   1,329 2.6% 42.5%
191 Covenant Christian (Indpls) S Shelbyville #49   1,329 2.3% 64.0%
192 Bedford North Lawrence L Brown County #45   1,332 0.1% 41.6%
193 Switzerland County S Brown County #46   1,338 2.7% 74.4%
194 Central Catholic S New Prairie #42   1,339 0.0% 0.9% 18.5%
195 Jac-Cen-Del S Shelbyville #50   1,340 0.2% 31.8%
196 Michigan City L New Prairie #43   1,346 0.1% 0.5%
197 Jefferson L New Prairie #44   1,349 0.3% 18.3%
198 Tri-West Hendricks M Shelbyville #51   1,351 0.4% 8.4%
199 Crawford County S Brown County #47   1,363 2.8% 50.7%
200 Cloverdale S Shelbyville #52   1,369 1.1% 10.6%

Individual Rankings

Only includes runners in high school during the 2017 cross country season.
Ratings are calculated based on the 2017 ratings and represents predicted time for an average course in average conditions.

RankNameGradeSchoolSemi-StateRating Top 25 at State Finals
1 Emma Wilson 12 Greencastle Shelbyville #1 17:47 99.9%
2 Abby Green 12 Carroll (FW) New Haven #1 17:57 99.7%
3 Phoebe Bates 11 Carmel Shelbyville #2 18:07 98.2%
4 Zoe Duffus 10 Carroll (FW) New Haven #2 18:07 96.6%
5 Annalyssa Crain 10 Edgewood Brown County #1 18:11 94.4%
6 Meagan Hathaway 12 Carroll (FW) New Haven #3 18:16 94.5%
7 Jordyn Boyer 12 Lowell New Prairie #1 18:23 88.4%
8 Ava Gilliana 11 Valparaiso New Prairie #2 18:25 85.5%
9 Lulu Black 12 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #3 18:28 83.1%
10 Abigail Lynch 10 Brownsburg Shelbyville #4 18:29 73.0%
11 Kayla McCulloch 12 East Noble New Haven #4 18:30 79.5%
12 Maggie Gutwein 12 Twin Lakes New Prairie #3 18:30 78.5%
13 Sydney Lambert 11 Norwell New Haven #5 18:35 69.4%
14 Shelby Bullock 12 Chesterton New Prairie #4 18:35 70.2%
15 Halle Hill 10 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #5 18:40 53.0%
16 Zoe Simmons 11 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #6 18:41 56.5%
17 Erin Strzelecki 11 Bishop Dwenger New Haven #6 18:42 56.0%
18 Katelyn Wasson 11 Zionsville Shelbyville #7 18:43 51.6%
19 Mary Schultz 12 West Lafayette New Prairie #5 18:44 51.3%
20 Morgan Dyer 11 Elkhart Memorial New Haven #7 18:48 41.9%
21 Mary Anna Wehrle 11 Cardinal Ritter Shelbyville #8 18:49 39.0%
22 Brooke Dixon 11 Brownsburg Shelbyville #9 18:51 35.8%
23 Katie O'Donnell 12 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #10 18:52 34.4%
24 Mya Hagerty 11 Bloomington North Brown County #2 18:52 33.6%
25 McKenna Cavanaugh 12 Christian Academy of IN Brown County #3 18:52 33.9%
26 Sydney Liddle 11 Floyd Central Brown County #4 18:52 32.9%
27 Elizabeth Stanhope 12 Pike Shelbyville #11 18:56 25.9%
28 Shelby Riehle 12 LaPorte New Prairie #6 18:57 25.8%
29 Grace Dean 12 Lawrence North Shelbyville #12 18:57 23.9%
30 Mollie Gamble 11 Oak Hill New Haven #8 18:58 23.2%
31 Brenner Hanna 10 Greensburg Shelbyville #13 18:58 19.6%
32 Margaret Allen 11 Zionsville Shelbyville #14 18:58 21.8%
33 Maddie Russin 11 Crown Point New Prairie #7 18:59 21.8%
34 Kate Ricks 12 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #15 18:59 21.2%
35 Brianna Lawson 10 Franklin Central Shelbyville #16 19:00 17.7%
36 Jada Reedus 12 Franklin Central Shelbyville #17 19:01 19.6%
37 Hailey Orosz 10 Wheeler New Prairie #8 19:01 17.5%
38 Claire Kaneshiro 10 International School Shelbyville #19 19:02 16.0%
39 Debbie Shera 12 Fishers Shelbyville #20 19:02 17.3%
40 Miya Wai 12 Fishers Shelbyville #21 19:07 11.5%
41 Aviv Hagar 10 Bloomington South Brown County #5 19:09 10.2%
42 Lillian Cummins 12 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #22 19:09 9.0%
43 Lauren Rinehart 11 Brownsburg Shelbyville #23 19:11 7.3%
44 Gillian Cridge 11 Cathedral Shelbyville #24 19:12 6.6%
45 Shayla Traas 12 Franklin Central Shelbyville #25 19:12 6.5%
46 Mallory Clements 11 Carroll (FW) New Haven #9 19:13 6.8%
47 Clare Vogel 11 Reitz Memorial Brown County #6 19:13 6.1%
48 Mariah Wehrle 11 Cardinal Ritter Shelbyville #26 19:14 4.8%
49 Sarah Foster 10 Edgewood Brown County #7 19:15 5.9%
50 Maria Blaesing 11 Munster New Prairie #9 19:16 4.6%
51 Paige Schemanske 12 Guerin Catholic Shelbyville #27 19:17 4.1%
52 Emma Tate 12 West Lafayette New Prairie #10 19:17 4.1%
53 Megan Cole 12 South Ripley Shelbyville #28 19:17 3.7%
54 Nia Taylor 12 Pike Shelbyville #29 19:17 3.7%
55 Mallory Hiatt 11 Rochester New Prairie #11 19:19 3.5%
56 Ellie Schroeder 12 Guerin Catholic Shelbyville #30 19:20 2.7%
57 Lindsey Roper 12 Carmel Shelbyville #31 19:20 3.0%
58 Abby Carter 11 Fishers Shelbyville #32 19:21 2.3%
59 Leah Keesling 11 Randolph Southern New Haven #10 19:21 2.7%
60 Annalise James 12 Lowell New Prairie #12 19:22 2.3%
61 Miah Martin 12 Lewis Cass New Prairie #13 19:22 2.2%
62 Tessa Kraft 12 Fishers Shelbyville #33 19:23 1.8%
63 Maria Mitchell 10 Hamilton Heights Shelbyville #34 19:23 2.1%
64 Abbey Armstrong 11 Bloomington North Brown County #8 19:25 1.4%
65 Jaelyn Burgos 10 Crown Point New Prairie #14 19:26 1.8%
66 Kelsie Wuethrich 11 Rensselaer Central New Prairie #15 19:26 1.6%
67 Ellie Pedersen 11 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #35 19:27 1.1%
68 Sophie Reichard 11 Noblesville Shelbyville #36 19:28 1.3%
69 Claire Mehling 12 Forest Park Brown County #9 19:28 1.2%
70 Olivia Morlock 11 Columbus North Brown County #10 19:28 1.3%
71 Caroline Jordan 11 West Lafayette New Prairie #16 19:28 0.9%
72 Myah Krintz 11 Harrison (WL) New Prairie #17 19:28 1.1%
73 Anna Settle 11 Zionsville Shelbyville #37 19:28 0.9%
74 Emily Worthington 10 Valparaiso New Prairie #18 19:29 1.3%
75 Brooke Hayden 11 Lowell New Prairie #19 19:29 0.9%
76 Gracie Carr 11 Cathedral Shelbyville #38 19:30 0.8%
77 Hannah Sale 11 F.J. Reitz Brown County #11 19:30 1.0%
78 Rayna Fruchey 11 Carroll (FW) New Haven #12 19:30 0.8%
79 Olivia Smolinske 12 East Noble New Haven #13 19:30 0.9%
80 Lexie Green 11 Southport Shelbyville #39 19:30 0.7%
81 Lily McAndrews 11 Carmel Shelbyville #41 19:31 0.7%
82 Audrey McKinney 11 Cathedral Shelbyville #42 19:31 0.7%
83 Ashton Chase 12 Seymour Brown County #12 19:31 0.7%
84 Hannah Fitzgerald 10 Valparaiso New Prairie #20 19:32 0.9%
85 Marcie Stewart 11 Corydon Central Brown County #13 19:32 0.7%
86 Isabella Sharples-Gordon 10 Noblesville Shelbyville #43 19:33 0.8%
87 Julia Dvorak 11 Homestead New Haven #15 19:33 0.6%
88 Quinn Wilson 11 Bloomington North Brown County #14 19:35 0.4%
89 Aubrie Deal 12 Noblesville Shelbyville #45 19:35 0.4%
90 Lauren Dibley 11 Elkhart Central New Haven #16 19:36 0.4%
91 Lauren Kelly 10 Franklin County Shelbyville #46 19:37 0.4%
92 Grace Aurand 11 Highland New Prairie #22 19:38 0.3%
93 Sarah Worthington 10 Valparaiso New Prairie #23 19:40 0.4%
94 Kara Krol 12 Chesterton New Prairie #24 19:40 0.2%
95 Brooke Neal 11 Penn New Haven #17 19:40 0.2%
96 Ellie Cates 11 Concordia Lutheran New Haven #18 19:40 0.2%
97 Mykayla Couchenour 11 South Knox Brown County #16 19:41 0.2%
98 Lily Barton 11 Terre Haute South Brown County #17 19:41 0.2%
99 Sam Alphin 11 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #47 19:41 0.1%
100 Aubrey Swart 12 Noblesville Shelbyville #48 19:41 0.1%
101 Sydney Haines 11 Carmel Shelbyville #49 19:42 0.1%
102 Summer Cooper 11 Concord New Haven #20 19:43 0.1%
103 Kendall Mann 10 New Palestine Shelbyville #50 19:43 0.1%
104 Jacy Collins 11 Shakamak Brown County #18 19:43 0.1%
105 Faith Quintana 12 Mishawaka New Haven #21 19:43 0.1%
106 Roni Ledezma 10 Carmel Shelbyville #51 19:44 0.1%
107 Chloe Loftus 11 Floyd Central Brown County #19 19:44 0.1%
108 Nalani Malackowski 10 Chesterton New Prairie #25 19:45 0.1%
109 Sarah Mahnensmith 10 Norwell New Haven #22 19:46 0.1%
110 Callie Hoover 10 Concordia Lutheran New Haven #23 19:47 0.1%
111 Isabella Wall 10 Avon Shelbyville #54 19:47 0.1%
112 Izza Khurram 12 Carmel Shelbyville #55 19:47 0.0%
113 Lillian Lacy 10 Franklin Community Shelbyville #57 19:48 0.1%
114 Holly Shaginaw 12 Hobart New Prairie #26 19:48 0.0%
115 Ella Marks 10 West Lafayette New Prairie #27 19:48 0.1%
116 Gabrielle Bische 12 Brownsburg Shelbyville #59 19:50 0.0%
117 Caitlin Clark 11 Northridge New Haven #24 19:51 0.0%
118 Skylar Weiskittel 10 Homestead New Haven #25 19:52 0.1%
119 Aric Tong 10 Columbus North Brown County #20 19:53 0.0%
120 Emelia Koester 10 Brown County Brown County #21 19:53 0.0%
121 Makenna Sunbury 11 Seymour Brown County #22 19:54 0.0%
122 Katrina Tann 11 Bloomington South Brown County #23 19:55 0.0%
123 Corinne Yorkman 11 Fishers Shelbyville #60 19:55
124 Kaylee Meyer 12 Edgewood Brown County #24 19:56 0.0%
125 Abby Parker 10 Carmel Shelbyville #61 19:56 0.0%
126 Taylor Gregory 11 Noblesville Shelbyville #62 19:56 0.0%
127 Susie Beeber 11 Bishop Dwenger New Haven #26 19:56 0.0%
128 Alena Miller 12 Huntington North New Haven #27 19:56 0.0%
129 Ellie Tate 12 West Lafayette New Prairie #29 19:56 0.0%
130 Ellie Jankowski 12 Penn New Haven #28 19:56 0.0%
131 Caitlin Lueken 12 Heritage Hills Brown County #25 19:57
132 Kallee Patch 11 South Adams New Haven #29 19:57 0.0%
133 Ashlyn Hastings 12 Covenant Christian (Indpls) Shelbyville #65 19:58 0.0%
134 Allyssa Fanning 12 Twin Lakes New Prairie #30 19:59 0.0%
135 Madison Fry 11 Crawfordsville New Prairie #31 19:59 0.0%
136 Aileen Delaney 10 Bishop Dwenger New Haven #30 20:00 0.0%
137 Gracie Wetli 11 Benton Central New Prairie #32 20:00
138 Sarah Coates 10 Westfield Shelbyville #66 20:00 0.0%
139 Isabelle Museck 12 Guerin Catholic Shelbyville #67 20:00 0.0%
140 Kyra Young 12 Mishawaka New Haven #31 20:01
141 Leah Anders 12 Switzerland County Brown County #26 20:01 0.0%
142 Ciera Lee 12 Highland New Prairie #33 20:01
143 Isabelle Rauh 10 Bloomington South Brown County #27 20:02 0.0%
144 Sydney Baxter 10 Floyd Central Brown County #28 20:02 0.0%
145 Sophia Thibault 12 Pike Shelbyville #68 20:03 0.0%
146 Rachel Gerick 12 LaPorte New Prairie #34 20:03 0.0%
147 Brenna Shaw 10 New Palestine Shelbyville #69 20:04
148 Halle Welch 11 Carmel Shelbyville #70 20:04
149 Jessica Velez 10 Pike Shelbyville #71 20:04 0.0%
150 Katie Nix 11 Bishop Dwenger New Haven #32 20:05 0.0%
151 Miriam Walker 11 Central Catholic New Prairie #36 20:05 0.0%
152 Kelly Gardner 11 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #72 20:07
153 Carol Haldeman 11 Fairfield New Haven #33 20:08 0.0%
154 Brynn Urban 10 Fishers Shelbyville #73 20:08
155 Alexis Laswell 12 Clay City Brown County #30 20:08
156 Emma Cougill 11 Brownsburg Shelbyville #75 20:09
157 Olivia McCauley 11 Lowell New Prairie #38 20:10
158 Sarah Petersen 11 Zionsville Shelbyville #76 20:10 0.0%
159 Anastasia Sanchez 11 Plainfield Shelbyville #77 20:10
160 Anna Demars 12 Crown Point New Prairie #39 20:10
161 Jane Hirschman 11 North Central (Indpls) Shelbyville #78 20:11
162 Sophie Stahl 10 Noblesville Shelbyville #79 20:11 0.0%
163 Allison Ray 12 Brownsburg Shelbyville #80 20:11
164 Sophie Porter 10 Westfield Shelbyville #81 20:11
165 Elizabeth Loichinger 11 Batesville Shelbyville #82 20:12
166 Anneke Furr 11 Bloomington South Brown County #31 20:12
167 Allison Morphew 11 Reitz Memorial Brown County #32 20:12
168 Madeline Kartz 10 Hanover Central New Prairie #40 20:12
169 Abby Mays 10 Concordia Lutheran New Haven #34 20:12
170 Keeton LeBaron 10 Northridge New Haven #35 20:13
171 Marissa Rivera 11 Culver Academies New Prairie #41 20:13
172 Natalie Clare 10 Floyd Central Brown County #33 20:13
173 Ellen Baker 10 North Central (Indpls) Shelbyville #83 20:13
174 Olivia Kaiser 10 Bloomington North Brown County #34 20:14
175 Jenessa Hasty 12 Oak Hill New Haven #36 20:15
176 Izabella Henschen 12 Homestead New Haven #37 20:15
177 Nora Steele 10 Bishop Dwenger New Haven #38 20:15
178 Zoe Rauh 12 Bloomington South Brown County #35 20:16
179 Brooke Meredith 12 Zionsville Shelbyville #84 20:16
180 Carly Altier 11 Brownsburg Shelbyville #85 20:16
181 Ava Zellers 10 Westfield Shelbyville #86 20:16
182 Ashlyn Minton 10 Carroll (FW) New Haven #39 20:16
183 Nicky Scher 11 North Miami New Prairie #43 20:16
184 Brooke Ratliff 10 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #88 20:17
185 Jillian Reeves 11 South Knox Brown County #36 20:18
186 Samantha Biernat 11 Angola New Haven #40 20:18
187 Elle Johnson 10 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #89 20:18
188 Morgen Houck 10 Westfield Shelbyville #90 20:18
189 Bea Perez 10 Guerin Catholic Shelbyville #91 20:18
190 Bella Garcia 11 West Lafayette New Prairie #44 20:19
191 Kierstyn Guerrant 11 Carmel Shelbyville #92 20:19
192 Kennedy Kerber 11 Columbus North Brown County #37 20:19
193 Yarency Murillo 11 West Noble New Haven #42 20:19
194 Jaelyn Webb 12 Manchester New Prairie #45 20:19
195 Julia Arnold 12 Valparaiso New Prairie #46 20:20
196 Christina Shaginaw 12 Hobart New Prairie #47 20:20
197 Hannah Roth 11 Lake Central New Prairie #48 20:20
198 Taylor Edwards 10 Chesterton New Prairie #49 20:20
199 Rachel Delancey 12 Reitz Memorial Brown County #40 20:21
200 Mackenzie Barnett 10 Columbus North Brown County #41 20:22
201 Lauren Myers 12 Avon Shelbyville #94 20:22
202 Kalea Fleming 10 Loogootee Brown County #42 20:22
203 Ashley Baldwin 10 Westfield Shelbyville #95 20:22
204 Morgan Mcculloch 10 Portage New Prairie #50 20:23
205 Kathleen Ellingson 12 Carroll (FW) New Haven #43 20:23
206 Shelby Christman 10 Carroll (FW) New Haven #44 20:23
207 Alyssa Skorge 12 Jasper Brown County #44 20:24
208 Gabrielle Grider 12 Lawrence North Shelbyville #96 20:24
209 Julia Clark 10 Westfield Shelbyville #97 20:24
210 Paige Brummett 10 Bloomington South Brown County #45 20:25
211 Kaylee Fuelling 10 Norwell New Haven #45 20:25
212 Riley Keppler 11 Penn New Haven #46 20:25
213 Adelaide Young-Brust 10 South Central (UM) New Prairie #51 20:27
214 London Griesey 12 Twin Lakes New Prairie #52 20:27
215 Kathryn Matthies 12 Franklin Central Shelbyville #98 20:27
216 Rachel Kujawa 11 Lake Central New Prairie #54 20:27
217 Courtney Merrill 12 Speedway Shelbyville #99 20:28
218 Mackenzie Carver 11 Bloomington North Brown County #46 20:28
219 Emma Smith 12 Columbus North Brown County #48 20:29
220 Zoe Trausch 12 Terre Haute North Brown County #49 20:29
221 Natalie Boesing 11 Providence Brown County #50 20:30
222 Sarah Bailey 11 Corydon Central Brown County #51 20:30
223 Emily Hand 11 Carmel Shelbyville #102 20:30
224 Kyla Curtis 11 Westfield Shelbyville #103 20:31
225 Holly Kuebler 12 Kouts New Prairie #57 20:31
226 Kate Gerke 12 McCutcheon New Prairie #58 20:31
227 Gracie Abbett 11 Morgan Twp New Prairie #59 20:31
228 Taylor Browne 10 Zionsville Shelbyville #104 20:31
229 Lillie Oddou 11 Columbia City New Haven #49 20:32
230 Natalie Witmer 12 Concordia Lutheran New Haven #50 20:32
231 Audrey Brinkruff 10 Greenfield-Central Shelbyville #105 20:32
232 Skylar Kiess 11 Homestead New Haven #51 20:32
233 Mollie Pumphrey 10 Greensburg Shelbyville #106 20:32
234 Chaelynn Wilchar 12 Fort Wayne North Side New Haven #52 20:32
235 Madison King 11 Noblesville Shelbyville #107 20:33
236 Rhyah Jones 11 Homestead New Haven #53 20:33
237 Madalyn Sailors 11 Carmel Shelbyville #108 20:33
238 Claire Overfelt 10 Whiteland Shelbyville #109 20:33
239 Isabella Brady 10 Zionsville Shelbyville #110 20:34
240 Sydney Welch 12 Franklin Central Shelbyville #111 20:34
241 Cora Minkis 11 Brownsburg Shelbyville #112 20:34
242 Elinor Carmona 12 Fishers Shelbyville #113 20:34
243 Josie Berg 11 Forest Park Brown County #52 20:35
244 Bella Green 11 Southport Shelbyville #115 20:35
245 Margaret Saul 12 Fishers Shelbyville #116 20:35
246 Brisa Bohling 12 Munster New Prairie #60 20:36
247 Kate Dimmett 10 Zionsville Shelbyville #118 20:36
248 Hanna Whitney 10 Huntington North New Haven #56 20:37
249 Sarah Greenwell 12 West Lafayette New Prairie #62 20:37
250 Taylor Gunter 11 Warsaw New Prairie #63 20:37
251 Rachel Ibarra 12 Mishawaka New Haven #57 20:37
252 Emilee Wedding 11 East Central Shelbyville #119 20:38
253 Josie Lobring 10 Bloomington South Brown County #53 20:39
254 Ella Anderson 10 Columbus North Brown County #54 20:39
255 Gabby Green 11 North Central (Indpls) Shelbyville #120 20:39
256 Lauren Longshore 11 Northwestern New Prairie #65 20:39
257 Sarah Rohr 12 Rochester New Prairie #66 20:39
258 Ally Thaxton 11 Portage New Prairie #67 20:40
259 Addie Schnautz 12 Reitz Memorial Brown County #55 20:40
260 Kearsten Dardeen 12 McCutcheon New Prairie #68 20:40
261 Katie Wagler 10 Barr-Reeve Brown County #56 20:41
262 Alexa Porter 12 Concord New Haven #58 20:41
263 Emily Matta 12 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #121 20:41
264 Reagan Hoke 10 Penn New Haven #59 20:41
265 Tatum Mullholland 11 Bishop Luers New Haven #61 20:42
266 Emily Thomas 10 Lake Central New Prairie #69 20:42
267 Emma Morrison 11 Jennings County Brown County #57 20:42
268 Abigail Martisek 10 Lake Central New Prairie #71 20:42
269 Megda Alvis 10 Forest Park Brown County #58 20:43
270 Emma Thompson 10 Mount Vernon Brown County #59 20:43
271 Alexia Bibakis 11 Lowell New Prairie #72 20:43
272 Grace Schmucker 11 Fremont New Haven #62 20:44
273 Brooke Herhusky 12 Zionsville Shelbyville #124 20:44
274 Alex Ebetino 12 Bishop Dwenger New Haven #63 20:44
275 Amberleigh Sorensen 11 Yorktown New Haven #64 20:45
276 Becky Madsen 12 Heritage Christian Shelbyville #126 20:45
277 Kayden Casey 11 Southport Shelbyville #128 20:45
278 Sarah Greer 12 Lawrence North Shelbyville #129 20:46
279 Torina Runkel 10 Manchester New Prairie #74 20:46
280 Mindy Eckstein 11 Oldenburg Academy Shelbyville #131 20:46
281 Lauren Zeck 11 Terre Haute North Brown County #60 20:46
282 Triniti Spurgeon 12 Perry Meridian Shelbyville #133 20:46
283 Aurora Fisher 11 Mississinewa New Haven #67 20:47
284 Emma Gillespie 11 Fishers Shelbyville #134 20:47
285 Maggie Smith 11 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #135 20:47
286 Catherine Koteski 10 Crown Point New Prairie #75 20:47
287 Raegan Bohbrink 10 Guerin Catholic Shelbyville #136 20:47
288 Mary Gatrell 12 Terre Haute North Brown County #61 20:47
289 Anna Morris 11 Bishop Dwenger New Haven #68 20:47
290 Andrea Graber 10 Barr-Reeve Brown County #62 20:47
291 Karli Miller 10 Maconaquah New Prairie #76 20:47
292 Julia Arruda 11 Greenwood Shelbyville #137 20:47
293 Gabrielle Harrell 11 Center Grove Shelbyville #138 20:48
294 Nina Fujii 12 Center Grove Shelbyville #139 20:48
295 Gabrielle DeVries 12 Lake Central New Prairie #77 20:48
296 Melissa Wagler 11 Barr-Reeve Brown County #63 20:48
297 Jenna McLean 10 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #140 20:48
298 Taylor Leytham 11 Whiteland Shelbyville #141 20:48
299 Kayla Edgerly 10 Penn New Haven #69 20:49
300 Grace Howard 10 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #142 20:49
301 Hadley Fisher 12 Evansville North Brown County #64 20:49
302 Haley Makowski 10 Penn New Haven #70 20:49
303 Emma Julien 11 Fishers Shelbyville #143 20:49
304 Kinzie Robey 10 Oak Hill New Haven #71 20:49
305 Sophia Brown 10 Westfield Shelbyville #144 20:50
306 Elizabeth Reece 10 Yorktown New Haven #72 20:50
307 Chelsie Edwards 12 South Putnam Shelbyville #145 20:50
308 Grace Hanley 12 North Central (Indpls) Shelbyville #146 20:50
309 Alyssa McKillip 11 Northfield New Haven #73 20:51
310 Elizabeth Pavy 10 Greensburg Shelbyville #147 20:51
311 Annie Christie 10 Carmel Shelbyville #148 20:52
312 Lillian Zubeck 11 Lake Central New Prairie #78 20:52
313 Emily Armstrong 10 Corydon Central Brown County #65 20:52
314 Olivia Wheeler 12 Adams New Haven #75 20:52
315 Jenna Gruber 10 Cardinal Ritter Shelbyville #149 20:52
316 Lilly Patrick 10 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #150 20:53
317 Sarah Busch 10 Bishop Luers New Haven #77 20:53
318 Claire Sievern 12 Reitz Memorial Brown County #67 20:53
319 Katie Risner 11 Avon Shelbyville #151 20:54
320 Elizabeth Leitzel 10 Crown Point New Prairie #79 20:55
321 Mariah Judy 12 Ben Davis Shelbyville #153 20:55
322 Aislynn Alkire 11 Penn New Haven #78 20:55
323 Morgan Adkins 11 Rushville Shelbyville #154 20:56
324 Olivia Lushin 11 Western New Prairie #80 20:56
325 Morgan Farr 12 Southwood New Haven #79 20:56
326 Abbey Landini 12 Columbus North Brown County #70 20:56
327 Gabby Scott 10 Elkhart Memorial New Haven #80 20:56
328 Rhaya Kaschinske 10 Concordia Lutheran New Haven #81 20:56
329 Lily Monnett 10 Cloverdale Shelbyville #155 20:56
330 Kayli Clark 11 Bloomington North Brown County #71 20:57
331 Hannah Loeffler 12 Carroll (FW) New Haven #82 20:57
332 Sarah Hamlet 12 Westfield Shelbyville #156 20:57
333 McKenzie Smith 12 Wawasee New Haven #83 20:57
334 Sami Moore 11 Northridge New Haven #84 20:57
335 Annie Abioye 12 Munster New Prairie #81 20:57
336 Ella Kanaby 10 McCutcheon New Prairie #82 20:58
337 Kiersten Duzan 12 Morgan Twp New Prairie #83 20:58
338 Kaylee Lane 12 Elwood New Haven #85 20:58
339 Alexandra Galassini 10 Snider New Haven #86 20:58
340 Olivia Brummett 10 Bloomington South Brown County #72 20:58
341 Katie Burgin 11 Lawrence North Shelbyville #157 20:58
342 Makenzie Hudgen 10 Glenn New Haven #87 20:59
343 Regina Lendermon 10 Faith Christian New Prairie #84 20:59
344 Emma Rakowski 10 Morgan Twp New Prairie #85 20:59
345 Nicole Marshall 10 Penn New Haven #89 20:59
346 Cara Karmolinski 10 Pike Shelbyville #158 20:59
347 Casey Lechner 12 Northwestern New Prairie #86 20:59
348 Rebekah Lloyd 11 Clinton Prairie New Prairie #87 21:00
349 Anna Fleetwood 10 Brown County Brown County #74 21:00
350 Mia Contino 11 Fishers Shelbyville #159 21:00
351 Izzy Haseman 11 Reitz Memorial Brown County #75 21:00
352 Lauren Greiwe 12 East Central Shelbyville #160 21:00
353 Katie Barnes 10 Bremen New Haven #91 21:01
354 Cierra Bell 11 Mitchell Brown County #76 21:01
355 Ellie Thor 10 Cathedral Shelbyville #161 21:02
356 Paige Abel 12 Edgewood Brown County #77 21:02
357 Hannah Neff 10 Westview New Haven #92 21:02
358 Audrey Comastri 11 Franklin Central Shelbyville #162 21:03
359 Eliza Harruff 12 South Adams New Haven #93 21:03
360 Remi Beckham 12 Warsaw New Prairie #88 21:03
361 Hannah Hawkins 10 Bishop Luers New Haven #95 21:04
362 Steph Embree 12 Center Grove Shelbyville #163 21:04
363 Ariana Steele 10 LaPorte New Prairie #89 21:05
364 Lauren Kellerman 11 Crawfordsville New Prairie #90 21:05
365 Claire Mitsch 12 Lowell New Prairie #91 21:05
366 Abby Christiansen 12 Hamilton Heights Shelbyville #165 21:05
367 Megan Cooper 12 Clay New Haven #96 21:05
368 Megan Kaczur 10 Lowell New Prairie #92 21:06
369 Sydney Clifford 11 Westfield Shelbyville #166 21:06
370 Taylor Clemens 11 Angola New Haven #98 21:06
371 Sophia Fugiett 10 Jay County New Haven #100 21:07
372 Sarah Fetter 12 DeKalb New Haven #101 21:07
373 Gretchen Witmer 10 Concordia Lutheran New Haven #102 21:07
374 Elyse Hunger 12 Jac-Cen-Del Shelbyville #167 21:08
375 Megan Miller 10 South Adams New Haven #103 21:08
376 Jozee Spatta 12 Owen Valley Brown County #80 21:08
377 Bridget Deardorff 12 Elkhart Christian Academy New Haven #104 21:08
378 Allison Caffrey 10 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #168 21:08
379 Sydney Geckler 12 Columbus North Brown County #81 21:09
380 Addison Emig 11 Evansville Central Brown County #82 21:09
381 Anna Becker 10 East Noble New Haven #105 21:09
382 Angelina Sedlaczek 11 Homestead New Haven #106 21:09
383 Carley Conway 11 Charlestown Brown County #83 21:09
384 Nicole Brandy 11 Valparaiso New Prairie #94 21:10
385 Courtney Brown 11 Carroll (FW) New Haven #107 21:10
386 Kyler Hoopingarner 12 Huntington North New Haven #108 21:11
387 Halle Smith 10 Crawfordsville New Prairie #95 21:11
388 Adiyah Williams 12 Adams New Haven #109 21:11
389 Elizabeth Myers 12 Avon Shelbyville #170 21:11
390 Charity Griffith 12 Rushville Shelbyville #171 21:11
391 Trysta Vierling 10 Batesville Shelbyville #172 21:11
392 Chloe Selking 12 Franklin Community Shelbyville #173 21:12
393 Martha Hunter 11 Carmel Shelbyville #174 21:12
394 Olivia Camp 10 Franklin Central Shelbyville #175 21:12
395 Erika Walling 11 Whiteland Shelbyville #176 21:12
396 April Chrisman 12 Lakeland New Haven #110 21:12
397 Nicole Manning 11 Southport Shelbyville #177 21:12
398 Kyrstin Green 11 Jefferson New Prairie #98 21:13
399 Ivie Skube 10 Adams New Haven #111 21:13
400 Virginia Meyer 12 Portage New Prairie #99 21:13
401 Angie Sanchez-Vijil 12 Warsaw New Prairie #100 21:14
402 Melody Tolley 11 Clinton Prairie New Prairie #101 21:14
403 Selah Jackson 10 Oak Hill New Haven #112 21:14
404 Payton Williams 11 Benton Central New Prairie #102 21:14
405 Megan Kaster 11 Cathedral Shelbyville #179 21:14
406 Alison Bache 11 Northridge New Haven #113 21:15
407 Jewel Helmuth 12 Westview New Haven #114 21:15
408 Julia Falcone 11 Center Grove Shelbyville #181 21:15
409 Riley Knestrict 10 Lake Central New Prairie #103 21:15
410 Samantha Martin 11 Kankakee Valley New Prairie #104 21:15
411 Juliana Wall 10 Avon Shelbyville #182 21:15
412 Callie Metzger 12 New Prairie New Prairie #105 21:16
413 Eva Brungard 12 Carmel Shelbyville #183 21:16
414 Lani O'Shea 10 Home School Union 21:16
415 Katie Murhling 11 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #184 21:16
416 Emily Tedder 10 Centerville Shelbyville #185 21:16
417 Elle Nichol 11 Carmel Shelbyville #186 21:16
418 Sydney Kallem 12 Greencastle Shelbyville #187 21:16
419 Adree Beckham 10 Warsaw New Prairie #106 21:17
420 Maddie Dingess 10 Perry Meridian Shelbyville #188 21:17
421 Jaeda Miller 10 Rushville Shelbyville #189 21:17
422 Emma Wright 12 Carmel Shelbyville #190 21:17
423 Hailey Claycomb 11 Crawfordsville New Prairie #107 21:17
424 Kelsea Skorge 10 Jasper Brown County #84 21:17
425 Lexi Vanihel 11 South Putnam Shelbyville #193 21:18
426 Megan Wallen 10 West Noble New Haven #116 21:18
427 Emma Fey 12 East Central Shelbyville #194 21:18
428 Taylor Raff 12 Zionsville Shelbyville #195 21:19
429 Whitney Wolfe 12 NorthWood New Haven #117 21:19
430 Isabelle Hudson 11 Lawrence North Shelbyville #196 21:20
431 Carmen Yoder 12 Warsaw New Prairie #109 21:20
432 Eden Oddou 11 Columbia City New Haven #118 21:21
433 Mary Watts 12 Lawrence North Shelbyville #197 21:21
434 Sydney Kramer 10 Lowell New Prairie #110 21:21
435 Megan Teitge 12 Morgan Twp New Prairie #111 21:22
436 Sierra Beach 12 LaPorte New Prairie #112 21:22
437 Charlotte Kumler 10 University Shelbyville #198 21:22
438 Olivia Rummel 11 East Noble New Haven #120 21:23
439 Amslie Howett 11 Warsaw New Prairie #113 21:23
440 Lauren Upholzer 11 Bloomington North Brown County #86 21:23
441 Rachel Moore 11 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #200 21:24
442 Noell Thompson 12 Crown Point New Prairie #115 21:24
443 Jenna Popp 12 Bloomington North Brown County #87 21:24
444 Sarah Pitts 11 Brownsburg Shelbyville #201 21:25
445 Reagan Hoggatt 12 Union City New Haven #122 21:25
446 Rebecca White 12 Chesterton New Prairie #116 21:25
447 Hallie Mills 12 Perry Meridian Shelbyville #202 21:25
448 Amelia Simpson 10 West Lafayette New Prairie #117 21:25
449 Ella Hissong 10 Plymouth New Prairie #118 21:25
450 Chloe Goodrich 10 Carroll (Flora) New Prairie #119 21:26
451 Mallory Aker 12 Southern Wells New Haven #123 21:26
452 Madilyn Malcolm 10 Garrett New Haven #124 21:26
453 Victoria Bozinovski 11 Crown Point New Prairie #121 21:26
454 Maddie Mishack 11 Adams New Haven #125 21:26
455 Alexis Detweiler 10 South Knox Brown County #89 21:27
456 Haley Salinas 10 Kokomo New Prairie #122 21:27
457 Elizabeth LaLonde 11 Carroll (FW) New Haven #127 21:27
458 Ella Robinson 12 Zionsville Shelbyville #204 21:27
459 Corinne Ritzi 12 Valparaiso New Prairie #123 21:27
460 Reese Noble 11 Covington New Prairie #124 21:28
461 Rose Coman 11 Riley New Haven #128 21:28
462 Bella Stonitsch 10 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #207 21:28
463 Destiny Pratchett 12 River Forest New Prairie #125 21:28
464 Haley Ulmer 12 Concordia Lutheran New Haven #129 21:29
465 Katie Humphries 10 Zionsville Shelbyville #208 21:29
466 Maria Coman 11 Riley New Haven #130 21:29
467 Lexi Wulff 11 Wapahani New Haven #131 21:29
468 Sam Hayden 11 Plainfield Shelbyville #209 21:30
469 Lexi Kelly 10 Rochester New Prairie #127 21:30
470 Madison Elijah 10 Hebron New Prairie #128 21:30
471 Megan Adkins 11 Rushville Shelbyville #212 21:31
472 Grace Judy 11 Noblesville Shelbyville #213 21:31
473 Maya Wilkins 11 Carroll (FW) New Haven #132 21:32
474 Nicole Nagel 11 Harrison (WL) New Prairie #130 21:32
475 Bailee Shambaugh 10 Mishawaka New Haven #134 21:32
476 Frances Clancy 10 Chesterton New Prairie #131 21:32
477 Natalie Dayharsh 11 Danville Shelbyville #216 21:32
478 Madison Steapleton 12 Munster New Prairie #132 21:32
479 Stella Dimarzio 12 Penn New Haven #135 21:32
480 Caroline Hanback 10 McCutcheon New Prairie #133 21:33
481 Hannah Shepherd 11 Valparaiso New Prairie #134 21:33
482 Isabel Manley 10 Westfield Shelbyville #217 21:33
483 Avery Johnston 11 Portage New Prairie #135 21:33
484 Emma Marley 12 Western New Prairie #136 21:33
485 Kyleigh Leslie-Holt 11 Floyd Central Brown County #92 21:33
486 Kara Lutz 12 Lapel New Haven #137 21:34
487 Blake Bailey 11 Winamac New Prairie #137 21:34
488 Georgia Horn 10 Fishers Shelbyville #218 21:34
489 Kira Bostwick 12 Zionsville Shelbyville #219 21:34
490 Abby Hartley 10 Frankton New Haven #138 21:34
491 Eden Siples 12 Northview Brown County #93 21:34
492 Erin Johnson 12 Fishers Shelbyville #220 21:35
493 Sydney Weaver 12 Garrett New Haven #140 21:35
494 Hannah Lushin 11 Western New Prairie #138 21:35
495 Kristyn Hoffman 11 Valparaiso New Prairie #139 21:35
496 Ella Baldwin 10 Winchester New Haven #141 21:35
497 Cobi Landwehr 10 Carroll (FW) New Haven #142 21:35
498 Emerson Haines 11 Lebanon Shelbyville #221 21:35
499 Zoe Wallace 11 West Washington Brown County #94 21:35
500 Kelli Neff 12 Southern Wells New Haven #143 21:36
501 Alivia Gustrowsky 10 Brownsburg Shelbyville #222 21:36
502 Summer Silvers-Barone 11 Northrop New Haven #144 21:36
503 Grace Rennekamp 11 Seymour Brown County #96 21:36
504 Olesya Indeikina 10 Glenn New Haven #145 21:37
505 Peyton Westphal 11 Chesterton New Prairie #140 21:37
506 Grace Strabala 12 North Central (Indpls) Shelbyville #223 21:37
507 Olivia Hawkins 12 New Albany Brown County #97 21:37
508 Olivia Reynolds 10 Adams Central New Haven #146 21:37
509 Kristina Baum 11 Bishop Luers New Haven #147 21:37
510 Julia Broerman 10 Bishop Dwenger New Haven #148 21:37
511 Brisa Martinez 11 Portage New Prairie #141 21:37
512 Jennifer Martinez 12 NorthWood New Haven #149 21:38
513 Grace Wilson 10 Crothersville Brown County #98 21:38
514 Olivia Linneman 11 Columbus East Brown County #99 21:38
515 Sydney Clements 10 Whiteland Shelbyville #224 21:39
516 Toren Hartog 11 Ben Davis Shelbyville #225 21:39
517 Ellie Haq 11 West Lafayette New Prairie #142 21:39
518 Lillian Pearce 12 Floyd Central Brown County #100 21:39
519 Ella Kantz 10 Eastern (Greentown) New Prairie #143 21:39
520 Stormie Fitch 11 Shenandoah New Haven #150 21:39
521 Olivia Colson 10 Greensburg Shelbyville #226 21:39
522 Lauren Smith 12 Lapel New Haven #152 21:40
523 Jazmin Grund 11 Lowell New Prairie #144 21:40
524 Megan Metzger 11 Warsaw New Prairie #145 21:40
525 Abby Burton 12 Franklin Community Shelbyville #227 21:40
526 Abby Roth 12 Hamilton Heights Shelbyville #228 21:40
527 Emma Debord 10 Brown County Brown County #101 21:40
528 Maddie McNarney 11 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #229 21:40
529 Katherine Sandys 12 Noblesville Shelbyville #230 21:40
530 Irene Amalaraj 11 Brownsburg Shelbyville #231 21:41
531 Aubrey Hepler 10 Warsaw New Prairie #146 21:41
532 Gabby Beckham 11 Monroe Central New Haven #153 21:41
533 Julie Castillo 12 Edison New Prairie #147 21:41
534 Megan Dawson 12 Warsaw New Prairie #148 21:41
535 Ella Garvin 10 Pike Shelbyville #232 21:41
536 Lydia Sarver 11 Heritage Christian Shelbyville #233 21:42
537 Adrianna Frederick 11 Southport Shelbyville #234 21:42
538 Sadie Schemmel 10 Center Grove Shelbyville #235 21:42
539 Sam Buffano 11 Munster New Prairie #149 21:42
540 Rachel Rohe 10 South Dearborn Shelbyville #236 21:42
541 Emmaline Shoemaker 12 Snider New Haven #154 21:42
542 Shamiya Beasley 11 Merrillville New Prairie #150 21:42
543 Katie Minton 12 Roncalli Shelbyville #237 21:42
544 Yadira Sanchez 12 Goshen New Haven #155 21:44
545 Reagan Behringer 11 Bishop Chatard Shelbyville #238 21:44
546 Kaelyn Johnson 12 Brownstown Central Brown County #103 21:44
547 Daphne Nolen 10 Rochester New Prairie #151 21:44
548 Alyssa Williams 10 Northrop New Haven #156 21:44
549 Natalie Nicholson 12 Western New Prairie #152 21:44
550 Reagan Mccooey 11 Zionsville Shelbyville #240 21:44
551 Ashley Heindel 12 Jennings County Brown County #104 21:45
552 Madeline Scott 11 Twin Lakes New Prairie #153 21:45
553 Abbey Gentz 10 Woodlan New Haven #157 21:45
554 Caleigh Brewer 11 North Central (Indpls) Shelbyville #243 21:45
555 Kaitlyn Mackovyak 11 Portage New Prairie #154 21:45
556 Shelby Livingston 11 Northeast Dubois Brown County #106 21:46
557 Kennedy Kiger 10 Pike Shelbyville #244 21:46
558 Emily Gaylord 10 Wheeler New Prairie #155 21:46
559 Hannah Wells 10 Cardinal Ritter Shelbyville #245 21:47
560 Haley Rickey 11 New Palestine Shelbyville #246 21:47
561 Moira Boyle 12 Munster New Prairie #156 21:47
562 Shania Woods 11 Floyd Central Brown County #107 21:48
563 Arden Shen 12 Harrison (WL) New Prairie #157 21:48
564 Tylissa Beckner 11 Connersville Shelbyville #247 21:48
565 Caroline Riebe 12 Fishers Shelbyville #248 21:48
566 Emma Lawson 12 Columbus North Brown County #108 21:48
567 Brooke Paul 10 Avon Shelbyville #249 21:48
568 Lindsey Simpson 12 Knox New Prairie #158 21:48
569 Gabriella Gaines 11 Crawford County Brown County #109 21:49
570 Leah Hall 12 Bishop Luers New Haven #159 21:49
571 Ashley Roberts 10 Northview Brown County #110 21:49
572 Riley Tuerff 12 LaPorte New Prairie #159 21:49
573 Ashley Senerius 12 Westfield Shelbyville #250 21:49
574 Jaryn Strong 11 Terre Haute South Brown County #111 21:50
575 Grace Sherrow 12 Silver Creek Brown County #112 21:50
576 Vanessa West 10 Union County Shelbyville #251 21:50
577 Hayley Jenkins 12 Lowell New Prairie #160 21:50
578 Ashleigh Brelage 10 Delta New Haven #160 21:50
579 Faith Eriks 12 Munster New Prairie #161 21:50
580 Madison McKee 10 Pendleton Heights New Haven #161 21:51
581 Lily Gregorash 12 Culver Academies New Prairie #162 21:51
582 Lily Greiwe 12 East Central Shelbyville #253 21:52
583 Maya Abramson 11 Avon Shelbyville #254 21:52
584 Kate Hornocker 10 Oak Hill New Haven #162 21:52
585 Abby Smith 12 Homestead New Haven #163 21:52
586 Ava Kreilach 10 Carroll (FW) New Haven #164 21:52
587 Courtney Lawmaster 10 Bremen New Haven #165 21:52
588 Aaliyah Clopton 12 Morton New Prairie #163 21:52
589 Chloe Wyatt 10 Union City New Haven #166 21:52
590 Hayley Jensen 12 Northrop New Haven #167 21:53
591 Annie Bankston 12 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #255 21:53
592 Caitlin Wortinger 12 Wawasee New Haven #168 21:53
593 Alexis Weiss 10 Sheridan Shelbyville #256 21:54
594 Olivia Werner 10 Edgewood Brown County #113 21:54
595 Sadie Rothrock 11 North Harrison Brown County #114 21:54
596 Raegan Tippey 11 Mississinewa New Haven #169 21:54
597 Jaslyn Cook 11 Columbia City New Haven #170 21:54
598 Autumn Rice 10 Union (Modoc) New Haven #172 21:55
599 Alyse Musch 10 Rensselaer Central New Prairie #165 21:56
600 Aliyah Hohl 12 North Central (Indpls) Shelbyville #259 21:56
601 Elizabeth Stevens 10 Columbus East Brown County #116 21:56
602 Kendyl Coles 11 Huntington North New Haven #173 21:56
603 Lauryn Florey 11 Western Boone New Prairie #167 21:56
604 Erin Anderson 12 Culver Academies New Prairie #168 21:56
605 Katie Cassbon 10 Penn New Haven #174 21:56
606 Jenna Fehrenbacher 12 Mater Dei Brown County #117 21:56
607 Alex Hermann 11 Warsaw New Prairie #169 21:56
608 Carterra Davis 11 Warren Central Shelbyville #260 21:56
609 Makayla Mahoney 12 Bremen New Haven #175 21:57
610 Hadley Malloy 12 Elkhart Central New Haven #176 21:57
611 Elizabeth Kolkman 12 Fort Wayne South Side New Haven #177 21:57
612 Alaina Lowery 10 Lincoln (Vincennes) Brown County #119 21:58
613 Shelby Luker 11 Castle Brown County #120 21:58
614 Shaelyn Biddle 12 Indian Creek Brown County #121 21:58
615 Arianna Kelley 11 Fishers Shelbyville #263 21:59
616 Chloe Ferris 10 Madison Brown County #122 21:59
617 Macy Morgan 11 Norwell New Haven #178 21:59
618 Madeline Douglas 10 Waldron Shelbyville #264 21:59
619 Abbye Huelsman 12 Gibson Southern Brown County #123 21:59
620 Rylee Shotts 10 Carroll (FW) New Haven #180 22:00
621 Alxyandra Hlawacz 10 Clay New Haven #181 22:00
622 Adrianna McFadden 12 Valparaiso New Prairie #172 22:00
623 Libby Kearns 11 St. Joseph's New Haven #182 22:00
624 Kiana Thurber 11 Carroll (FW) New Haven #183 22:00
625 Madi Jenkins 11 Shenandoah New Haven #184 22:00
626 Trinity Rogers 10 Terre Haute South Brown County #124 22:00
627 Lauren Sandys 10 Noblesville Shelbyville #266 22:00
628 Anna Boone 12 Brownsburg Shelbyville #267 22:01
629 Morgan Guthrie 10 Hamilton Heights Shelbyville #268 22:01
630 Brett Cahall 10 Madison Brown County #125 22:01
631 Molly Bell 11 Angola New Haven #185 22:01
632 Sydney Freeman 12 Central Noble New Haven #186 22:01
633 Jsie Geary 10 Homestead New Haven #187 22:02
634 Sage Mougin 10 New Prairie New Prairie #173 22:02
635 Natalie Goff 11 Signature Brown County #126 22:02
636 Jasmine Herrell 11 Westfield Shelbyville #269 22:03
637 Kyra Ware 10 Lawrence North Shelbyville #270 22:03
638 Ruth Stamp 11 Valparaiso New Prairie #174 22:03
639 Grace Voelz 12 New Palestine Shelbyville #272 22:03
640 Mary Borchers 11 Bishop Chatard Shelbyville #274 22:03
641 Peyton Hall 10 Floyd Central Brown County #127 22:03
642 Kate Crist 10 Brebeuf Jesuit Shelbyville #275 22:03
643 Katie Winkler 10 Heritage Hills Brown County #128 22:03
644 Ashley Wight 11 Charlestown Brown County #129 22:03
645 Bailey Hays 12 Maconaquah New Prairie #175 22:03
646 Madelyn Whaling 12 Valparaiso New Prairie #176 22:03
647 Mayson Vanmeter 11 Forest Park Brown County #131 22:04
648 Carli Fones 11 Mississinewa New Haven #189 22:04
649 Adell Urtel 12 Carmel Shelbyville #276 22:04
650 Chloe Click 10 Noblesville Shelbyville #278 22:04
651 Brenda Olvera 12 Northrop New Haven #190 22:05
652 Mia Yates 10 Fishers Shelbyville #279 22:05
653 Morgan Myers 10 North Daviess Brown County #132 22:05
654 Juliana Kroll 11 New Prairie New Prairie #178 22:05
655 Oiivia Schenck 10 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #280 22:05
656 Esther Parham 10 Heritage Christian Shelbyville #281 22:05
657 Camille Wuethrich 11 West Central New Prairie #179 22:05
658 Hannah Bolton 11 Monroe Central New Haven #191 22:05
659 Moira Mcginley 10 Bishop Chatard Shelbyville #282 22:05
660 Sierra Ford 12 Eastern Greene Brown County #133 22:05
661 Sharon Kulali 12 Anderson New Haven #192 22:06
662 Antonia Hiland 11 Elkhart Central New Haven #193 22:06
663 Aubree Kline 11 Blackhawk Christian New Haven #194 22:06
664 Olivia Neal 12 Wapahani New Haven #195 22:06
665 Ellie Hevesy 11 Fishers Shelbyville #283 22:06
666 Lauren Thomas 11 Clay City Brown County #134 22:06
667 Madeline Schumacher 12 North Judson New Prairie #180 22:06
668 Autum Meyers 12 Bellmont New Haven #196 22:06
669 Bella Clemmer 11 Bloomington South Brown County #135 22:06
670 Mary Williams 12 Warren Central Shelbyville #284 22:07
671 Anna Pressel 12 Morgan Twp New Prairie #181 22:07
672 Emma Coney 12 Franklin Central Shelbyville #285 22:07
673 Lily Kissner 10 Leo New Haven #198 22:08
674 Riley Cronin 12 Zionsville Shelbyville #286 22:08
675 Leah Schnell 12 Jasper Brown County #136 22:08
676 Sarah Whitesel 10 Delta New Haven #199 22:08
677 Christiane Davis 11 White River Valley Brown County #137 22:09
678 Megan Godfrey 12 Homestead New Haven #201 22:09
679 Caroline Shumaker 12 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #289 22:09
680 Katie Barker 12 Manchester New Prairie #182 22:10
681 Tori Ledezma 12 Carmel Shelbyville #290 22:10
682 Katie Pfeifer 10 Fishers Shelbyville #291 22:10
683 Lizzie Tomaszewski 10 Plainfield Shelbyville #292 22:11
684 Allison High 10 Seeger New Prairie #183 22:11
685 Jillian Peel 12 DeKalb New Haven #203 22:11
686 Anne Loughran 12 Penn New Haven #204 22:11
687 Lilly Johnson 12 Bishop Chatard Shelbyville #293 22:11
688 Taylor Herbert 10 Lawrence Central Shelbyville #295 22:11
689 Emma Seyer 11 Bloomington South Brown County #138 22:11
690 Noelle Loller 12 Lapel New Haven #205 22:11
691 Kaylee Ebinger 12 Jennings County Brown County #139 22:12
692 Kelsey Ross 12 Whiteland Shelbyville #297 22:12
693 Gabi Lane 11 Twin Lakes New Prairie #185 22:12
694 Kallie Canfield 12 Elkhart Memorial New Haven #206 22:12
695 Madalynn Mendez 12 Angola New Haven #208 22:12
696 Shannon Dougherty 12 Rushville Shelbyville #298 22:12
697 Sophia Yager-Motl 12 Northwestern New Prairie #186 22:12
698 Katherine Zinkan 10 Bloomington South Brown County #140 22:12
699 Reni Kao 10 Bloomington South Brown County #141 22:12
700 Katie Dietrick 12 Bishop Chatard Shelbyville #299 22:13
701 Hannah Ewing 12 Bishop Dwenger New Haven #210 22:13
702 Katie Hasty 12 Lebanon Shelbyville #300 22:14
703 Princess Hogue 11 New Albany Brown County #142 22:14
704 Sydney Simon 11 Concord New Haven #213 22:14
705 Lucy Harmon 12 St. Joseph's New Haven #214 22:14
706 Kaylan Howard 11 Twin Lakes New Prairie #188 22:15
707 Piper Reed 11 Franklin Community Shelbyville #301 22:15
708 Zoe Scheuerman 11 Bloomington North Brown County #143 22:15
709 Rilee Hartman 11 Mt. Vernon (Fortville) New Haven #215 22:16
710 Sheridan Eggers 10 Zionsville Shelbyville #303 22:16
711 Hannah Cussen 10 Penn New Haven #216 22:16
712 Ava Cannedy 11 Rochester New Prairie #189 22:16
713 Hannah Brubaker 12 NorthWood New Haven #218 22:16
714 Mary Deweese 12 Eastside New Haven #219 22:16
715 Tressa Pate 12 Salem Brown County #144 22:16
716 Gracie Baker 10 East Central Shelbyville #304 22:17
717 Megan Fuchs 11 Leo New Haven #220 22:17
718 Mallory Watson 11 Greenwood Shelbyville #305 22:17
719 Sophia Croyts 10 Riley New Haven #221 22:17
720 Megan Hampshire 12 Western New Prairie #190 22:18
721 Holle Guntz 12 North Central (Indpls) Shelbyville #307 22:18
722 Abbey Grogan 10 Carmel Shelbyville #308 22:18
723 Rachel Hall 11 Bremen New Haven #224 22:18
724 Adaline Smith 10 Snider New Haven #225 22:19
725 Faye Jessup 12 Brownsburg Shelbyville #309 22:19
726 Marianne Glaziner 12 Terre Haute South Brown County #146 22:19
727 Taylor Gries 11 Reitz Memorial Brown County #147 22:20
728 Hannah Lux 11 Shelbyville Shelbyville #310 22:20
729 Bonnie Clancy 12 Portage New Prairie #192 22:20
730 Ella Roundy 10 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #312 22:20
731 Lucy Shaub 11 Westfield Shelbyville #313 22:20
732 Lesley Zook 10 Huntington North New Haven #226 22:20
733 Kate O'Brien 12 Adams New Haven #227 22:20
734 Mallory Starnes 11 Northrop New Haven #228 22:20
735 Chloee Hurst 12 West Vigo Brown County #148 22:21
736 Breann Kratzer 10 Southern Wells New Haven #229 22:21
737 Shelby Stevens 11 Wheeler New Prairie #194 22:21
738 Brianna Wright 10 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #314 22:21
739 Jadyn Kolesiak 11 Tippecanoe Valley New Prairie #196 22:22
740 Briana Wilhite 11 Triton New Prairie #197 22:22
741 Kaylee Lane 10 North Miami New Prairie #198 22:22
742 Callie Crouse 10 Christian Academy of IN Brown County #150 22:22
743 Sydney Snyder 12 Lighthouse Christian (Bloomington) 22:23
744 Gabrielle Foreman 11 West Noble New Haven #232 22:23
745 Abby Hauser 11 Forest Park Brown County #151 22:23
746 Savannah Hill 10 Carmel Shelbyville #315 22:23
747 Tyler Bowling 10 Fountain Central New Prairie #199 22:23
748 Penelope Swift 10 DeKalb New Haven #233 22:23
749 Morgan Spears 12 Brownsburg Shelbyville #316 22:24
750 Delaney Klee 10 Guerin Catholic Shelbyville #317 22:24
751 Kendrick Mernitz 11 Cathedral Shelbyville #318 22:24
752 Hanna McBride 10 Terre Haute North Brown County #152 22:24
753 Elaine Nickerson 10 Bishop Chatard Shelbyville #319 22:24
754 Emma MacDonald 12 Martinsville Brown County #153 22:24
755 Grace McNeely 11 Westfield Shelbyville #320 22:25
756 Maria Christoff 12 Bishop Chatard Shelbyville #321 22:25
757 Abby Screen 11 Harrison (WL) New Prairie #202 22:25
758 Mycala Brinker 10 Pendleton Heights New Haven #234 22:25
759 Kenzie Brown 10 Owen Valley Brown County #154 22:25
760 Lilly Biggins 11 Heritage New Haven #235 22:25
761 Libby Boster 11 Chesterton New Prairie #203 22:25
762 Alivia Ford 10 Western New Prairie #204 22:26
763 Katherine Davis 11 Kouts New Prairie #205 22:26
764 Emily Yoder 11 Fairfield New Haven #237 22:27
765 Sarah Walters 11 Culver Community New Prairie #206 22:27
766 Jaeden Crawford 12 Bishop Chatard Shelbyville #323 22:27
767 Ava Mattox 11 Bloomfield Brown County #155 22:27
768 Lex Desenberg 12 Warsaw New Prairie #207 22:27
769 Adriana Juarez 11 Penn New Haven #239 22:27
770 Emma Holder 11 Terre Haute North Brown County #156 22:27
771 Lilia Mills 10 Carmel Shelbyville #324 22:27
772 Sofia Raffin 10 Chesterton New Prairie #208 22:28
773 Mallory Geyman 12 Zionsville Shelbyville #325 22:28
774 Paola Rangel 12 Goshen New Haven #240 22:28
775 Ellie Kiesel 12 Gibson Southern Brown County #157 22:28
776 Grace Miller 11 Noblesville Shelbyville #326 22:28
777 Macey Emmons 12 Perry Central Brown County #159 22:29
778 Becca Parsons 12 Cascade Shelbyville #327 22:29
779 Julia Ramirez 12 Whiting New Prairie #209 22:29
780 Alyssia Faulkner 12 Boonville Brown County #160 22:29
781 Micah Ellyson 10 Southport Shelbyville #328 22:30
782 Katie Reeves 10 Martinsville Brown County #161 22:30
783 Maya Phipps 11 Carmel Shelbyville #329 22:30
784 Rocio Lozada 12 Jeffersonville Brown County #162 22:31
785 Madelyn Yoder 10 Fairfield New Haven #241 22:31
786 Kristina Copher 10 Pike Shelbyville #331 22:31
787 Allie Conkin 11 Center Grove Shelbyville #332 22:31
788 Heidi Warner 10 Homestead New Haven #243 22:32
789 Kayla Kirchner 11 Chesterton New Prairie #210 22:32
790 Megan Palmer 12 Bishop Dwenger New Haven #244 22:32
791 Liz Wahlman 10 Jennings County Brown County #163 22:32
792 Regina Herrero 11 Culver Academies New Prairie #211 22:33
793 Liberty Hayes 10 Fishers Shelbyville #333 22:33
794 Sarah Bennett 10 Valparaiso New Prairie #212 22:33
795 Nicole Powers 11 Guerin Catholic Shelbyville #334 22:33
796 Bridget Mark 11 Michigan City New Prairie #213 22:33
797 Hannah Nist 12 Carmel Shelbyville #335 22:33
798 Nicole Miller 10 Northridge New Haven #245 22:33
799 Elena Hagedorn 10 Tell City Brown County #164 22:34
800 Alyson Pickering 12 Carmel Shelbyville #336 22:34
801 Madison Doltich 10 Hamilton Heights Shelbyville #337 22:34
802 Margaret Barnett 10 Westfield Shelbyville #338 22:34
803 Destiny Satterthwaite 12 Brownstown Central Brown County #165 22:34
804 Kennedy Miller 12 Cathedral Shelbyville #339 22:34
805 Abigail Scott 11 West Vigo Brown County #166 22:35
806 Kaylee Auterson 10 Loogootee Brown County #167 22:35
807 Keagan Cole 10 Bluffton New Haven #247 22:35
808 Sammi Godwin 11 Owen Valley Brown County #168 22:35
809 Elizabeth Moore 12 Knightstown Shelbyville #341 22:35
810 Alexis Culbreth 10 Kankakee Valley New Prairie #215 22:35
811 Courtney Todd 11 Elwood New Haven #248 22:35
812 Brenna Butler 10 Concordia Lutheran New Haven #249 22:35
813 Makenna Schnick 10 Morgan Twp New Prairie #216 22:36
814 Carly Reynolds 10 Shakamak Brown County #169 22:36
815 Lexus Tanner 10 Pike Shelbyville #344 22:36
816 Jailyn Lundy 10 White River Valley Brown County #170 22:36
817 Sydney Diefenbaugh 11 Manchester New Prairie #217 22:36
818 Ireland Dodson 11 Oak Hill New Haven #252 22:36
819 Nicole Albers 11 Westville New Prairie #218 22:37
820 Ashley Evetts 10 Gibson Southern Brown County #171 22:37
821 Lilly Butler 10 Hobart New Prairie #219 22:37
822 Ella Beezley 10 Wawasee New Haven #254 22:37
823 Lindy Berry 10 Northview Brown County #172 22:37
824 Delaynie Grove 12 Barr-Reeve Brown County #174 22:38
825 Elise Miller 12 Franklin Central Shelbyville #346 22:38
826 Macie Couch 11 Cloverdale Shelbyville #347 22:38
827 Skyler Cummins 10 Valparaiso New Prairie #221 22:39
828 Aubrey Dague 11 Caston New Prairie #222 22:39
829 Emma Parsons 10 Cascade Shelbyville #348 22:39
830 Emma Hendrix 10 Perry Meridian Shelbyville #349 22:39
831 Sarah Duvendack 12 Angola New Haven #255 22:39
832 Rachel Bowling 12 Herron Shelbyville #350 22:39
833 Thalia Parson 10 West Noble New Haven #256 22:40
834 Gabby Ellis 11 Center Grove Shelbyville #351 22:40
835 Riley Winebrenner 10 DeKalb New Haven #257 22:40
836 Miranda Alig 10 Jay County New Haven #258 22:40
837 Katie Kleinhelter 12 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #352 22:40
838 Tess Lilly 10 Twin Lakes New Prairie #223 22:41
839 Riley Clayton 10 Fishers Shelbyville #353 22:41
840 Jenna O'Donahue 11 Muncie Central New Haven #259 22:41
841 Hannah Wleklinski 10 Zionsville Shelbyville #354 22:41
842 Abby Haverkos 10 Oldenburg Academy Shelbyville #355 22:41
843 Mariah Maley 10 East Noble New Haven #260 22:42
844 Brooke Pritchett 12 Daleville New Haven #261 22:42
845 Sophia Taylor 12 New Palestine Shelbyville #356 22:42
846 Alyssa Nahnsen 11 Munster New Prairie #225 22:42
847 Maya Votapek 10 Avon Shelbyville #357 22:42
848 Kate Kinkel 11 Reitz Memorial Brown County #176 22:42
849 Sarah Gerbick 10 Wheeler New Prairie #226 22:42
850 Ally Willson 11 Columbia City New Haven #263 22:42
851 Natalie Martinez 10 Merrillville New Prairie #227 22:43
852 Jada Swearingen 11 University Shelbyville #358 22:43
853 Sydney Altman 11 Frontier New Prairie #228 22:43
854 Ali Pund 11 Forest Park Brown County #177 22:43
855 Abigail Giesler 10 North Daviess Brown County #178 22:43
856 Sarah Cimoch 10 Riley New Haven #264 22:43
857 Carley Bond 11 Perry Meridian Shelbyville #359 22:43
858 Valeria Jimenez 11 Tippecanoe Valley New Prairie #229 22:43
859 Citlali Alcaraz 12 Riley New Haven #265 22:43
860 Elayna Kitt 10 Bluffton New Haven #266 22:43
861 Amanda Pottorff 12 Columbus East Brown County #179 22:44
862 Autumn Turner 10 Wawasee New Haven #267 22:44
863 Katie Graham 12 Heritage New Haven #268 22:44
864 Madison Lindfelt 12 Carmel Shelbyville #360 22:44
865 Maria Anderson 12 Noblesville Shelbyville #361 22:44
866 Natalia Meza 12 Rushville Shelbyville #362 22:44
867 Hilary Pobanz 11 Zionsville Shelbyville #363 22:44
868 Alyssa Brinkman 12 Milan Shelbyville #364 22:44
869 Natalie Scott 10 Mishawaka New Haven #269 22:44
870 Alex Lopez 12 Hamilton Heights Shelbyville #365 22:44
871 Alex Blankenship 12 Tell City Brown County #180 22:45
872 Brooklyn Tretter 11 Southridge Brown County #181 22:45
873 Karen Reyes Mon 11 Zionsville Shelbyville #366 22:45
874 Ashley Rosas 11 Plymouth New Prairie #230 22:45
875 Hannah Simmons 11 Frontier New Prairie #231 22:45
876 Meghan Tierney 10 Bloomington South Brown County #182 22:45
877 Dillen Edwards 10 Portage New Prairie #232 22:45
878 Clare Wilber 11 Madison Brown County #183 22:45
879 Sarah Hauser 11 Fishers Shelbyville #367 22:45
880 Victoria Leeder 11 Eastern (Greentown) New Prairie #233 22:46
881 Nikki Schmidt 12 Hebron New Prairie #234 22:46
882 Laura Schrock 12 NorthWood New Haven #270 22:46
883 Caroline Arndt 12 Connersville Shelbyville #368 22:46
884 Kaitlynn Leady 11 Chesterton New Prairie #235 22:46
885 Hannah Harris 11 Columbus East Brown County #184 22:46
886 Megan Frank 11 Southport Shelbyville #369 22:46
887 Abby Steele 12 Valparaiso New Prairie #236 22:46
888 Sarah Muckerheide 12 Greenfield-Central Shelbyville #370 22:47
889 Kara Hummer 12 Zionsville Shelbyville #371 22:47
890 Rhylee Jones 11 Homestead New Haven #271 22:47
891 Clara Lind 11 Bethany Christian New Haven #272 22:47
892 Hannah Parker 10 Whiteland Shelbyville #373 22:47
893 Gabby Peters 12 New Prairie New Prairie #237 22:47
894 Ashley Alderman 10 Pendleton Heights New Haven #273 22:47
895 Gretchen Betz 10 Park Tudor Shelbyville #374 22:48
896 Taylor Fritz 10 Fort Wayne North Side New Haven #275 22:48
897 Betsy McKinney 11 Pendleton Heights New Haven #276 22:48
898 Margo Southern 12 Elkhart Central New Haven #277 22:48
899 Anna Haste 10 North Putnam Shelbyville #375 22:49
900 Jordan Randolph 11 Western Boone New Prairie #238 22:49
901 Ariana Runge 11 NorthWood New Haven #278 22:49
902 Kayla Polen 12 Highland New Prairie #239 22:49
903 Lauren Fish 10 Whiteland Shelbyville #376 22:49
904 Olivia Ward 12 Tri-West Hendricks Shelbyville #377 22:49
905 Abby Tjon 11 East Noble New Haven #279 22:49
906 Whitney Working 12 Wabash New Haven #280 22:49
907 Kaitlyn Koenig 12 Terre Haute South Brown County #185 22:49
908 Ellie Gaffin 10 Fishers Shelbyville #378 22:50
909 Mazie Lyles 10 Salem Brown County #186 22:50
910 Samara Young 12 South Putnam Shelbyville #379 22:51
911 Maggie McAndrews 12 Westfield Shelbyville #380 22:51
912 Hanna Bloemendaal 11 Warsaw New Prairie #241 22:51
913 Kennedy Jester 11 Snider New Haven #283 22:51
914 Hilary Ernstes 10 Greensburg Shelbyville #381 22:52
915 Katelyn Meyer 11 Franklin County Shelbyville #382 22:52
916 LaBrea Palmer 11 East Chicago Central New Prairie #243 22:52
917 Diana Muro 12 Griffith New Prairie #244 22:52
918 Heidi Brewer 11 Whiteland Shelbyville #383 22:52
919 Olivia Ghent 10 Snider New Haven #284 22:53
920 Masey Coots 10 Westfield Shelbyville #384 22:53
921 Madison Hanna 12 Morgan Twp New Prairie #246 22:53
922 Allyson Bailiff 10 Attica New Prairie #247 22:53
923 Morgan Clark 11 Southwestern (Shelbyville) Brown County #187 22:53
924 Jerica Lobenthal 12 Bloomington South Brown County #188 22:53
925 Lexi Allen 10 Lawrence Central Shelbyville #385 22:54
926 Emeline Thygerson 11 Burris New Haven #286 22:54
927 Abby Herbert 10 Rushville Shelbyville #386 22:54
928 Hannah Tippets 11 Brownsburg Shelbyville #387 22:54
929 Ann Metzger 11 Northridge New Haven #287 22:54
930 Valeria Pizana 11 Wawasee New Haven #288 22:54
931 Sophia Koshmider 10 Goshen New Haven #289 22:54
932 Allie Basinger 10 Churubusco New Haven #290 22:54
933 Katie Perun 12 Warren Central Shelbyville #388 22:54
934 Harrell Marielle 11 Center Grove Shelbyville #389 22:54
935 Anna Bohbrink 12 Tri-West Hendricks Shelbyville #390 22:55
936 Mary Rose Roesener 11 Roncalli Shelbyville #391 22:55
937 Brikea Sherrod 12 Michigan City New Prairie #248 22:56
938 Skyler Cochran 10 Charlestown Brown County #189 22:56
939 Kaytlin Futter 12 Silver Creek Brown County #190 22:56
940 Kailee Tedder 12 Centerville Shelbyville #392 22:56
941 Kamryn Arnold 12 Decatur Central Shelbyville #393 22:56
942 Dottie Heuring 10 Wheeler New Prairie #249 22:57
943 Claire Poulton 12 Brownstown Central Brown County #191 22:57
944 Kloee Grizzel 10 Crawford County Brown County #192 22:57
945 Valencia Placencia 10 Garrett New Haven #294 22:57
946 Lilly Kosior 11 Highland New Prairie #250 22:57
947 Mollie Gourley 11 Western Boone New Prairie #251 22:57
948 Isabel Von Gunten 11 South Adams New Haven #295 22:57
949 Halle Frieden 10 Covenant Christian (DeMotte) 22:58
950 Esther Whitney 12 Lighthouse Christian (Bloomington) 22:58
951 Bella Cordell 10 Brownsburg Shelbyville #394 22:58
952 Anna Timm 11 Portage New Prairie #252 22:58
953 Fiona Hostettler 11 Bishop Chatard Shelbyville #395 22:59
954 Kaleigh Falimirski 12 Guerin Catholic Shelbyville #396 22:59
955 Kelsey Elward 12 Northrop New Haven #297 22:59
956 Yael Kiser 10 Carmel Shelbyville #397 22:59
957 Kate Steiner 11 Avon Shelbyville #398 22:59
958 Lilly Kempf 10 Castle Brown County #193 22:59
959 Kaitlin Whitford 10 West Vigo Brown County #194 23:00
960 Cara Eby 10 Franklin Central Shelbyville #399 23:00
961 Cassidy Cripe 11 Penn New Haven #298 23:00
962 Anna Shafer 12 Hagerstown Shelbyville #400 23:00
963 Julia Stidam 11 Christian Academy of IN Brown County #195 23:00
964 Hannah Dalton 11 Martinsville Brown County #196 23:00
965 Rachael Wilson 12 Barr-Reeve Brown County #198 23:00
966 Katie Hemingway 10 Munster New Prairie #254 23:00
967 Zoe Fisher 11 Warren Central Shelbyville #402 23:00
968 Katelyn Nix 10 Concordia Lutheran New Haven #299 23:01
969 Soumya Paliwal 10 Columbus North Brown County #199 23:01
970 Rachel Ricketts 11 Rochester New Prairie #255 23:01
971 Kiana Allshouse 10 Prairie Heights New Haven #300 23:01
972 Rachel Clark 10 Danville Shelbyville #403 23:02
973 Bailey White 12 Edgewood Brown County #200 23:02
974 Autumn Davis 12 Bluffton New Haven #301 23:02
975 Erin Rawlins 10 Columbus North Brown County #201 23:02
976 Ava Snyder 10 Franklin Central Shelbyville #404 23:02
977 Fiona Mcguire 10 Adams New Haven #302 23:03
978 Andi Shick 11 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #405 23:03
979 Lauren Stubbs 10 Elkhart Memorial New Haven #303 23:03
980 Gretchen Carie 10 South Knox Brown County #202 23:03
981 Meghan Perkins 10 Clay New Haven #304 23:03
982 Megan Ungerecht 10 Penn New Haven #305 23:03
983 Selah Campbell 12 Perry Meridian Shelbyville #406 23:03
984 Kelly Matsuoka 11 Lawrence North Shelbyville #407 23:03
985 Jacqueline Dubois 11 Lawrence Central Shelbyville #408 23:03
986 Kamryn Eason 11 Mt. Vernon (Fortville) New Haven #306 23:04
987 Summer Moore 12 Tecumseh Brown County #203 23:04
988 Dawn Pawlak 12 Gavit New Prairie #257 23:05
989 Zariah Meador 12 Woodlan New Haven #307 23:05
990 Brooke Rohe 11 South Dearborn Shelbyville #409 23:05
991 Abby Page 11 Scecina Memorial Shelbyville #410 23:05
992 Skylar Halvorson 11 Whiteland Shelbyville #411 23:05
993 Erin Gonzales 12 Munster New Prairie #258 23:06
994 Hope Stauffer 12 Carmel Shelbyville #412 23:06
995 Patricia Henney 12 Jennings County Brown County #206 23:06
996 Abby Serra 10 West Lafayette New Prairie #259 23:06
997 Marni Myers 11 Hamilton Southeastern Shelbyville #413 23:06
998 Breanna Smith 11 Terre Haute South Brown County #207 23:06
999 Kaitlyn Mueller 12 Homestead New Haven #308 23:06
1,000 Sophie Mernitz 11 Cathedral Shelbyville #414 23:07
1,001 Addie Harper 10 North Judson New Prairie #260 23:07
1,002 Maggie Hayward 10 Park Tudor Shelbyville #415 23:07
1,003 Ashlyn Johnson 11 Penn New Haven #309 23:07
1,004 Emily Rector 10 South Dearborn Shelbyville #416 23:07
1,005 Sierra Bowman 11 Indian Creek Brown County #209 23:07
1,006 Harland Lory 11 Covenant Christian (Indpls) Shelbyville #417 23:07
1,007 Chloe Deboer 10 Hanover Central New Prairie #261 23:07
1,008 Krista Moore 12 Bishop Luers New Haven #310 23:07
1,009 Bailey Stewart 10 Fishers Shelbyville #418 23:08
1,010 Karen Hunckler 12 Marian New Haven #311 23:08
1,011 Erin Bahler 11 Tri-County New Prairie #262 23:08
1,012 Grace Brisco 12 Noblesville Shelbyville #419 23:08
1,013 Addyson Lindsey 10 South Vermillion Brown County #211 23:08
1,014 Vanessa Vanbibber 12 Mater Dei Brown County #212 23:08
1,015 Alyssa Rokosz 12 Hebron New Prairie #263 23:08
1,016 Kylah Stout 11 Pendleton Heights New Haven #313 23:08
1,017 Jenna Mahin 11 Western Boone New Prairie #264 23:09
1,018 Kelci Wood 12 Burris New Haven #314 23:09
1,019 Blazia Sallee 12 Frankfort New Prairie #265 23:09
1,020 Emily Tigler 11 Lewis Cass New Prairie #266 23:09
1,021 Lindsay Stoltzfus 11 Westview New Haven #315 23:09
1,022 Tess Ecenbarger 10 Clinton Prairie New Prairie #267 23:09
1,023 Madison Gasaway 11 McCutcheon New Prairie #268 23:10